Ash is our newly hired Certified Athletic Trainer at Action Point. Ash is originally from New York City and obtained his Master's degree at the University of Idaho in Athletic Training. He has published in the Journal of Sports Medicine Rehabilitation with an emphasis on the Functional movement screen and improving scores in movement to optimize Athletic and recreational performance.
In practice, Ash utilizes evaluation screening methods such as the “selective functional movement assessment”, and the “functional movement screen” to help better guide patients out of pain and optimal movement. In addition, Ash specializes in treatment paradigms such as “Mulligan '' mobilization with movement, “positional release therapy”, primal reflex release technique, myokinesthetics nerve treatment, and total motion release.
Ash has a passion for going big and “sending it” on his mountain bike, hitting jumps stories long! When he is not “sending it” he is out in the woods finding fruit and mushrooms to further optimize his health. Ash also has a background in competing in jiu-jitsu, bodybuilding, and powerlifting which further drives better performance for his passion for mountain biking in the off-season.